賽跑者Charmis of Sparta是歷史上,最早用營養搭配體能訓練的希臘運動員 (專長:200 碼短跑),他認為,無花果乾是幫助他在668BC奧運贏得金獎牌的秘訣 。


1. 素食運動員的蛋白質攝取肯定足夠 
2. 蛋白質不如澱粉重要,因澱粉可增強爆發力與耐力,而吃太多的蛋白質對身體無益。

1. 隨時準備高熱量點心 (大約250 大卡),如:
▴ 一根香蕉+1.5大匙的花生醬
▴ 2塊燕麥餅乾+一大杯豆漿
▴ 一大把堅果+水果乾

2. 選對高澱粉食物(澱粉是選手們最重要的能量來源):
▴ 米飯、麵食、麵包能量最高、水果其次、奶類最少
▴ 平時多吃非精緻澱粉,如:糙米、全麥、蕎麥、燕麥
▴ 賽前訓練熱量需求高,應搭配精緻澱粉,如:白飯、白麵條、點心

3. 選對時間吃飯:
▴ 運動前3~4小時吃高澱粉餐最能有效提升體力
▴ 運動前1~2小時吃高澱粉餐也能提升體力、但功效較其次
▴ 運動前20分鐘以內補充,容易肚子痛,且功效最小

參考文獻:Vegetarian Sports Nutrition by D. Enette Larson-Meyer, PhD, RD



卡爾·路易士,為1991年的世界冠軍賽轉葷維素,美國田徑運動員,在4屆奧運會中獲得過9枚金牌,2000年被國際田聯評選為20世紀最偉大的田徑運動員。 其主要從事項目:短跑和跳遠

World famous track star Carl Lewis wasn't always a vegetarian. But he eventually went even further: he adopted a vegan diet to prepare for the World Championships in 1991, where he says he ran the best meet of his life. And he wasn't the only one who held that opinion. After seeing the results of his race, Track & Field magazine remarked, "It had become hard to argue that he is not the greatest athlete ever to set foot on track or field." He won ABC's Wide World of Sports Athlete of the Year in 1991 as a result. Carl Lewis earned a total of 10 Olympic medals over his career, nine of them gold.

Read more: http://www.mnn.com/food/healthy-eating/photos/9-superstar-athletes-who-dont-eat-meat/carl-lewis#ixzz3PWhEsWyD


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